Keeping dogs as pet: An oral extended response to a question (2 mins) | Sample Level A1 (In-Depth course)/ A2 (General English Course) Transcript Why do you think people keep dogs as pets? It is not by chance that the dog is the oldest of all domestic animals. They are naturally intelligent, light on learning, and very devoted to man. They make True friends who will never betray. They’re good fun because dogs are really playful. You always want to hug and cuddle such a pet, and, although they cannot speak a human language, they make a great company and they’re perfect listeners, as they have compassion for our worries and sorrows. But dogs are also kept for practical reasons. In the Far North, they are an irreplaceable means of transport. For blind people, they are excellent guides who help the owner to avoid obstacles and dangers. At customs and in the police, they serve to find drugs, explosives and smuggling, because they have a very good nose. They help rescuers to free people from the rubble, and in the army, they are used for mine clearance, because they are very agile and light. Not so long ago, the whole world fell in love with a real frontline hero – Patron, the Ukrainian dog. And dogs also help their owners to lead a more active lifestyle – after all, the pet and the owner have to walk each other. Personally, I don't have a dog yet, but my neighbours, good friends of ours, have a dog, and sometimes I envy them in a good way. I would like to have such a friend and family member too. Actually, I'm thinking of getting a dog one day. #editorial@new_forwardls_ru

Теги: pets dogs companionship

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