VP: subj: usu. human or abstr; more often pfv
1. to bring s o. out of an unconscious state:
- X привел Y-а в себя≈ X brought Y (a)round <to>;
- X restored Y (brought Y back) to consciousness;
- X revived Y.
♦ Она была без памяти. Мы... перевязали рану как можно туже; напрасно Печорин целовал ее холодные губы - ничто не могло привести ее в себя (Лермонтов). She was unconscious We..tied the wound as tightly as we could, Pechorin kissed her cold lips without response - nothing could bring her around (Id). She was unconscious We. bandaged the wound as tightly as we could. In vain Pechorin kissed her cold lips; nothing could bring her back to consciousness.
2. to bring s.o. back to a normal state of attention, composure etc (may refer to a person who is temporarily upset, lost in thought, fantasizing etc):
- X привел Y-а в себя≈ X brought Y back to reality;
- X brought Y to Y's senses;
- X snapped (brought) Y out of it;
- in limited contexts X calmed Y down.
♦ Он глубоко задумался, и даже громкий стук в дверь не привел его в себя. He was lost in thought, and even a loud knock at the door didn't snap him out of it.
1) General subject: bring round, (прийти) bring to life (после обморока)
2) Set phrase: bring to his senses