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Статья рассказывает о необычных правописательных решениях в названиях группы The Beatles и слогане McDonalds. Также объясняется, что любой статичный глагол может употребляться в Continuous времени.

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Versurile piesei 'Dau în ei ca-n aparate' interpretată de Alex Velea și Dani Mocanu. Piesa vorbește despre problemele societății actuale, cum ar fi dependența de tehnologie și falsitatea, și îi critică pe cei care se comportă ca niște 'câini de pază' agresivi și lipsiți de respect. Refrenul piesei este un strigăt de luptă împotriva acestor probleme.

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The documentary film follows the stories of three mothers incarcerated for drug-related offenses in Ohio, as they fight for their freedom and a better life with their families. The film highlights the impact of the opioid crisis and the pernicious justice system on women in the United States.

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The dominance of large supermarkets is being challenged by bitter price wars and the growing influence of digital corporations like Amazon and Alibaba. The commercial battle is not just taking place between supermarkets, but also against new actors making exponential investments in the food sector. This documentary explores the impact of this commercial revolution on working conditions, food quality, and the future of our planet.

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Allegra Goodman is an American author based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She was born in Brooklyn, New York, and raised in Hawaii. Goodman graduated from Punahou School in 1985 and went on to Harvard University, where she earned an A.B. degree and met her husband, David Karger. Goodman's younger sister, Paula Fraenkel, is an oncologist. Goodman and Karger live in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where Karger is a professor in computer science at MIT. They have four children, three boys and a girl.

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The article explains the meaning and usage of the Russian idiom 'приложить руку к чему'. It has two meanings, one is to put one's signature on a document or paper, and the other is to be involved in something, usually of a reprehensible nature. The article provides examples of the usage of the idiom in different contexts.

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Learn the meaning of the Russian idiom 'приводить/привести в себя кого' which can refer to bringing someone out of an unconscious state or back to a normal state of attention or composure. This article provides examples and translations of the idiom in context.

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The article discusses the reasons why people keep dogs as pets, including their intelligence, loyalty, and playful nature. Dogs are also kept for practical reasons such as transportation, guiding the blind, and serving in the police and army. Additionally, owning a dog can lead to a more active lifestyle. The author expresses their desire to have a dog as a friend and family member in the future.

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